I/O Redirection

Table 2.8 shows a complete list of I/O redirectors. (This table is also included earlier as Table 7.1.) Note that there are two formats for specifying standard output and error redirection: &>file and >&file. The second of these, and the one used throughout this book, is the preferred way.

Table B-8. I/O Redirectors

Redirector Function
cmd1 | cmd2 Pipe; take standard output of cmd1 as standard input to cmd2
> file Direct standard output to file
< file Take standard input from file
>> file Direct standard output to file; append to file if it already exists
>| file Force standard output to file even if noclobber is set
n>| file Force output to file from file descriptor n
 even if noclobber set
<> file Use file as both standard input and standard output
n<> file Use file as both input and output for file descriptor n
<< label Here-document
n > file Direct file descriptor n to file
n < file Take file descriptor n from file
>> file

Direct file descriptor n to file; append to file if it already exists

n>&Duplicate standard output to file descriptor n
n<&Duplicate standard input from file descriptor n
n>&m File descriptor n is made to be a copy of the output file descriptor
n<&m File descriptor n is made to be a copy of the input file descriptor
&> file Directs standard output and standard error to file
<&- Close the standard input
>&- Close the standard output
n >&- Close the output from file descriptor n
n <&- Close the input from file descriptor ...

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