

& (ampersand), 115-116, 119-120

&& (and) operator, 20

<> (angle brackets), 153-155

^ (caret), 117-118

: (colon), 130

$ (dollar sign), 97

// (double forward slash), 6

... (ellipsis), 45

! (exclamation points), 10-11

@IBOutlet keyword, 76

<< (left shift) bitwise operator, 118-119

@objc attribute, 144, 146

|| (or) operator, 20

( ) (parentheses) in trailing closures, 106-107

| (pipe), 116-117

# (pound sign), 44

? (question marks), 8-10, 122

>> (right shift) bitwise operator, 118-119

; (semicolons), 6

[ ] (square brackets), 28, 109

~ (tilde), 114-115

_ (underscores)

as external variables, 45

in loops, 16

in numbers, 8

in read-only stored properties, 133

in switch statements, 22

2D game. See SpriteKit

3D files, exporting, 185

3D game. ...

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