Extra Bits of Arrays

You can create arrays that are empty or with prepopulated contents. You can create and prepopulate an array by using the extra parameters extra: and repeatedValue:. Here’s an example:

var mapRow1 = [Int](count:10,repeatedValue:0) // [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

Here we created a map for a game. If you were using this map for a game, you could place arrays within arrays to create a multidimensional array. You can use one array for each row and place that in one big array, like this:

var mapRow1 = [Int](count:10,repeatedValue:0)var cols = 10var rows = 10var map = [[Int]]()for row in 0..<rows {    var newRow = [Int](count:cols, repeatedValue:0)    map.append(newRow)}map ...

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