

& (ampersand)

bitwise AND, 115-116

calling functions by reference, 50

value underflow/overflow, 119-120

<< (bitwise left shift operator), 118

>> (bitwise right shift operator), 118

^ (caret), bitwise XOR, 117

/* */ (comments), 8

&& (double ampersand), AND operator, 24

== (double equal sign), equality operator, 121, 149

// (double forward slash), comments, 8

|| (double pipe), OR operator, 24

... (ellipsis)

closed ranges, 19

variadic parameters, 49-50

= (equal sign), assignment operator, 122

! (exclamation point), optionals, 13-15

@objc attribute, 145-146

| (pipe), bitwise OR, 116-117

+ (plus sign), concatenating strings, 11

? (question mark), optionals, 9, 12

..< (range operator), half-open ranges, 20

; (semicolon), 6

[ ] (square-brackets ...

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