Chapter 3. Programming with RDDs

This chapter introduces Spark’s core abstraction for working with data, the resilient distributed dataset (RDD). An RDD is simply a distributed collection of elements. In Spark all work is expressed as either creating new RDDs, transforming existing RDDs, or calling operations on RDDs to compute a result. Under the hood, Spark automatically distributes the data contained in RDDs across your cluster and parallelizes the operations you perform on them.

Both data scientists and engineers should read this chapter, as RDDs are the core concept in Spark. We highly recommend that you try some of these examples in an interactive shell (see “Introduction to Spark’s Python and Scala Shells”). In addition, all code in this chapter is available in the book’s GitHub repository.

RDD Basics

An RDD in Spark is simply an immutable distributed collection of objects. Each RDD is split into multiple partitions, which may be computed on different nodes of the cluster. RDDs can contain any type of Python, Java, or Scala objects, including user-defined classes.

Users create RDDs in two ways: by loading an external dataset, or by distributing a collection of objects (e.g., a list or set) in their driver program. We have already seen loading a text file as an RDD of strings using SparkContext.textFile(), as shown in Example 3-1.

Example 3-1. Creating an RDD of strings with textFile() in Python
>>> lines = sc.textFile("")

Once created, RDDs offer two types of ...

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