Variables in R

Unlike Java or C#, R enables total flexibility in the assignment of variables. This means that you can assign objects of different types to the same variable. This will cause overriding:

var1 <- 10
var1 <- "a string"

In this case, for instance, R will not throw an error for var1. In addition, there is no need to pre-declare the class of the variable.

The assignment of variables in R can be done in the following three ways:

  • <- or ->: These arrows assign the corresponding value to a variable. However, the first alternative is more common:
    var1 <- 10
    10 -> var1
  • =: This is similar to <- or ->.


    As in most programming languages, it is important to keep in mind that whenever a comparison is needed, == must be used.

  • assign(): This is a function ...

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