Changing our Page Object to use LoadableComponent

Now that we have learned about LoadableComponents, we should have a look at it in action. We need to make changes to our Java class.

  1. The following is how the code should look so far:
    public class Chapter2 {
      WebDriver selenium;
      @FindBy(how= How.NAME, using="verifybutton")
      WebElement verifybutton;
      public Chapter2(WebDriver selenium){
        this.selenium = selenium;
        if (!"Chapter 2".equalsIgnoreCase(this.selenium.getTitle())){
      public boolean isButtonPresent(String button){
        return selenium.findElements(By.xpath("//input[@id='"+button+"']")).size()>0;
  2. If we have a look at our Chapter2 Java class, we can see that we need to extend LoadableComponent ...

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