Avoiding sending responses from Apex as wrapper objects

To understand how you should structure response data from the Apex controller, let's take an example of Apex code that is needed to display a list of accounts for a Lightning Component:

public class AccountController{    @AuraEnabled    public Static List<AccountWrapper> queryAllAccounts(){        List<AccountWrapper> accountWrapperList = New List<AccountWrapper>();        List<Account> myAccounts = [Select id, Name, BillingState.                                           (Select id                                              From Contacts)                                      From Account];        if(!myAccounts.isEmpty()){            for(Account currentAccount : myAccounts){                accountWrapperList.add(new AccountWrapper (..) );            }        }        return accountWrapperList;    }}

This is the message/wrapper class code:

public class AccountWrapper{        @AuraEnabled

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