
Like the PrototypeHelper methods, ScriptaculousHelper methods provide ready Ruby-based access to JavaScript components in the browser. While Prototype focuses on basic Ajax communications, focuses more on actions and special effects:


Identifies an HTML element, specified by id attribute value, as supporting user efforts to drag it around the screen and potentially drop it on a receiving element.


Identifies an HTML element, again by id attribute value, as a container where users can drop draggable objects and expect a response. When the drop happens, the code this creates can make a remote Ajax call or a local JavaScript call, and supports class-based constraints on which objects to accept. It also supports changing the class of the receiving element to give users visual feedback when they’ve positioned a draggable object over a container that could accept it.


Identifies an HTML element, again by id attribute value, as a collection users can reorder, making an Ajax call when changes occur.


Provides access to the library’s collection of visual effects, applying them to an HTML element specified by id.

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