
The Prototype JavaScript library simplifies many common Ajax tasks, but these helper methods make it even more convenient to incorporate calls to Prototype in Rails templates:


Evaluates the JavaScript response from a remote service using the JavaScript eval method. The eval method opens JavaScript applications up to attack, so be certain that what you’re processing is free of potentially harmful code.


Same as remote_form_for, described later.


Creates a form element that uses an XmlHttpRequest call to submit form data. This allows the page to handle the response rather than reloading an entirely new page.


Creates a link that issues an XmlHttpRequest call, again allowing the page to handle the response rather than replacing the current page with a new destination.


Watches the content of a given field and makes a remote call (or a JavaScript function call) when the content of that field changes. Useful for components like text fields that provide suggestions.


Watches the content of a given form and makes a remote call (or a JavaScript function call) when the content of that field changes.


Makes an XmlHttpRequest call every so often, according to a duration specified in seconds set as the :frequency option.


Works like form_for, except that submitting the form triggers an XmlHttpRequest call that gets handled by Ajax in the browser instead of the ...

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