
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


<< operator (concatenate), A More Elegant Helper Method
@ variables, Acknowledgments (see instance variables)
{ } (curly braces), Adding Logic to the View, Creating Checkboxes, Calling methods: advanced options
attributes for form checkboxes, Creating Checkboxes
for named parameters, Calling methods: advanced options
=> arrows, with methods, I Want My CSS!
== (equality operator), if, else, unless, and elsif
-- for SQL comments, SQL Injection
-%> closing tag, Adding Logic to the View
<% %> tags, Adding Logic to the View
<%= %> tags, Adding Some Data
|| syntax, Adding Automation
+ (concatenation) operator, Variables
# for comments (Ruby), Comments
# for URI fragment identifiers, Adding Options, Answers
?: operator, ?:
' (single quotes) for strings, Variables
" (double quotes) for strings, Variables


absolute URIs, returning with url_for, Adding Options
Accept header (HTTP), Index: An Overview of Data
access privileges, Acknowledgments (see user management)
ACID principles, Speaking in Rails
action attribute (HTML form element), Form As a Wrapper
:action parameter (map.root), Setting a Default Page
:action parameter (form_tag), Getting Started, Greeting Guests

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