
I hope you have learned what you wanted when reading this book. Moreover, I hope you find it incredibly useful in your journey. It was a lot of fun to write this book, and I hope I made you laugh at least once. I have two final thoughts I’d like to share with you.

Some Best Practices May Not Work for You

There are very few golden rules, and they aren’t what you might expect. Every organization I’ve worked with tunes its environments and data sources to meet its own needs. One team might find a certain strategy implausible, while another team found that the same strategy solved all of their problems.

Learning to Fail is the Secret to Success

The most important lesson you can learn from DevOps is how to fail. Break the rules when you need to. But don’t hold course when it’s not working. Fail fast—recognize the failure and adjust course. Be agile.

Trying and learning from the experience is the DevOps way. Walking this path means having sometimes uncomfortable experiences, and adding to the conversation in our community as DevOps practices mature, mutate, and evolve.

I look forward to seeing what you bring to our community.

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