Configuring the vmhba paths to a SCSI device

For each vmhba path to a storage device, you can indicate that the path is active or not active. You can also indicate that the path is the preferred path to the SCSI device.

Retrieving the vmhba paths to a SCSI device

You can use the Get-ScsiLunPath cmdlet to retrieve the list of vmhba paths to a specified SCSI device. The syntax of the Get-ScsiLunPath cmdlet is as follows:

Get-ScsiLunPath [[-Name] <String[]>] [-ScsiLun] <ScsiLun[]> [<CommonParameters>]

The –ScsiLun parameter is required, and it accepts input from the pipeline.

In the next example, we will retrieve the vmhba paths of the LUN with CanonicalName naa.600a0b80001111550000f35b93e19350 from the host

PowerCLI C:\> Get-VMHost -Name ...

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