Retrieving datastores

You can use the Get-Datastore cmdlet to retrieve a specific datastore or a list of all of your datastores. The syntax of the Get-Datastore cmdlet is as follows:

Get-Datastore [-Server <VIServer[]>] [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Location <VIObject[]>] [-RelatedObject <DatastoreRelatedObjectBase[]>] [-Refresh] [-Tag <Tag[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Datastore [-Server <VIServer[]>] -Id <String[]> [-Refresh] [<CommonParameters>]

The –Id parameter is required.

In the next example, we will retrieve the datastore with the name Cluster01_Vmfs01:

PowerCLI C:\> Get-Datastore -Name Cluster01_Vmfs01

The following is the output of the preceding command:

Name                               FreeSpaceGB      CapacityGB
----                               -----------      ----------
Cluster01_Vmfs01 248,801 249,750 ...

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