Opening the console of a virtual machine

PowerCLI 5.5 introduced the Open-VMConsoleWindow cmdlet that you can use to open the console of a virtual machine in a web browser. You can open the console in a new window or fullscreen. This cmdlet uses the VMware Remote Console (VMRC) browser plugin.

Supported browsers are as follows:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 7 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox Version 9 or later
  • Google Chrome Version 16 or later

The syntax of the Open-VMConsoleWindow cmdlet is as follows:

Open-VMConsoleWindow [-VM] <RemoteConsoleVM[]> [-FullScreen] [-UrlOnly] [-Server <VIConnection[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

The –VM parameter is required. The –FullScreen parameter will open the console in fullscreen mode. The –UrlOnly ...

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