This Book’s Examples

To save you the time it would take to type them in, all the examples from this book have been archived onto a specially created companion website at, where you can view each one individually—with color highlighting of syntax—and download them onto your computer (see Figure 3-1).

Viewing examples from this book at
Figure 3-1. Viewing examples from this book at

As well as having all the examples saved by chapter and example number (such as example3-1.php), the provided archive also contains an extra folder called named_examples, in which you’ll find all the examples, which I suggest saving using a specific filename, such as Example 3-4 (shown later; this file should be saved as test1.php).

If you read this book in front of a computer (and hopefully you will, so that you can try out what you learn), using the website you’ll also be able to view any examples on-screen with a maximum of two clicks, making them easy to reference as you read.

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