Chapter 12 Answers

Question 12-1

There are several benefits to using a templating system such as Smarty. They include but are not limited to:

  • Separating the program code from the presentation layer.

  • Preventing template editors from modifying program code.

  • Removing the need for programmers to design page layout.

  • Allowing the redesign of a web page without modifying any program code.

  • Enabling multiple “skin” designs with little recourse to modifying program code.

Question 12-2

To pass a variable to a Smarty template, a PHP program uses the $smarty->assign function.

Question 12-3

Smarty templates access variables passed to them by prefacing them with a dollar sign $ and enclosing them with curly braces {}.

Question 12-4

To iterate through an array in a Smarty template, you use the opening {section} and closing {/section} tags.

Question 12-5

If Smarty has been installed, you can enable it in a PHP program by including the Smarty.class.php file from its correct location (normally in a folder called Smarty, just under the document root).

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