Chapter 11 Answers

Question 11-1

The associative arrays used to pass submitted form data to PHP are $_GET for the GET method and $_POST for the POST method.

Question 11-2

The register_globals setting was the default in versions of PHP prior to 4.2.0. It was not a good idea, because it automatically assigned submitted form field data to PHP variables, thus opening up a security hole for potential hackers, who could attempt to break into PHP code by initializing variables to values of their choice.

Question 11-3

The difference between a text box and a text area is that although they both accept text for form input, a text box is a single line, whereas a text area can be multiple lines and include word wrapping.

Question 11-4

To offer three mutually exclusive choices in a web form, you should use radio buttons, because checkboxes allow multiple selections.

Question 11-5

Submit a group of selections from a web form using a single field name by using an array name with square brackets such as choices[], instead of a regular field name. Each value is then placed into the array, whose length will be the number of elements submitted.

Question 11-6

To submit a form field without the user seeing it, place it in a hidden field using the parameter type="hidden".

Question 11-7

You can encapsulate a form element and supporting text or graphics, making the entire unit selectable with a mouse-click, by using the <label> and </label> tags.

Question 11-8

To convert HTML into a format that can be displayed but will ...

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