2.3. Place

The place() geometry manager is different than grid() or pack(). Rather than referencing against a cell location or a window's side, most of the time you'll be using a relative form of x and y coordinates. You can also use place() to overlap portions of widgets, which isn't allowed in either grid() or pack().

Invoking place() is similar to calling the other geometry managers:

$widget->place( [ option => value, . . . ] );

The options specified when you call place()affect how the widgets are put on the screen.

2.3.1. Place Options

-anchor => 'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | '

' | 'center'

Sets the position in the widget that will be placed at the specified coordinates.

-bordermode => '

' | 'outside' | 'ignore'

Determines whether or not the border portion of the widget is included in the coordinate system.

-height => amount

Sets the absolute height of the widget.

-in => $window

Indicates that the child widget will be packed inside $window instead of in the parent that created it. Any relative coordinates or sizes will still refer to the parent.

-relheight => ratio

Indicates that the height of the widget relates to the parent widget's height by ratio.

-relwidth => ratio

Indicates that the width of the widget relates to the parent widget's width by ratio.

-relx => xratio

Indicates that the widget will be placed relative to its parent by xratio.

-rely => yratio

Indicates that the widget will be placed relative to its parent by yratio.

-width =>

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