1. Here are a couple of ways to do it with Internet Explorer 3.x:

    Here’s one for the ActiveState distribution (5.003, build 306):

    use OLE;
    $ie = CreateObject OLE "InternetExplorer.Application.1" ||
      die "CreateObject: $!";
    $ie->{Visible} = 1;

    And here’s one for the Perl 5.004 distribution using libwin32:

    Win32::OLE::CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application.1",       $ie) || die "CreateObject: $!";
    $ie->{Visible} = 1;

    Here are some ways to solve this exercise (this example uses Microsoft Excel 97—other versions may have slightly different automation objects):

  2. One solution for the ActiveState distribution is:

    use OLE;
         # grab the numbers
         @numbers = <STDIN>;
         # create the automation object
         $xl = CreateObject OLE "Excel.Application" || 
                 die "CreateObject: $!";
         # show it and add a new workbook
         $xl->{Visible} = 1;
         # start at the top left
         $col = "A"; $row = 1;
         foreach $num (@numbers) {
             $cell = sprintf("%s%d", $col, $row++);
             # add it to Excel
             $xl->Range($cell)->{Value}  = $num;

    One solution for the Perl 5.004 distribution using libwin32 is:

    use Win32::OLE; # grab the numbers @numbers = <STDIN>; # create the automation object Win32::OLE::CreateObject("Excel.Application", $xl) || die "CreateObject: $!"; # show it and add a new workbook $xl->{Visible} = 1; $xl->Workbooks->Add(); # start at the top left $col = "A"; $row = 1; foreach $num ...

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