Load balancer management in the CLI

Neutron offers a number of commands that can be used to create and manage virtual IPs, pools, pool members, and health monitors for load balancing purposes.

In the Havana implementation of LBaaS, the pool is the root object with which all other load balancer resources are associated. The workflow to create a functional load balancer starts with creating a pool and then continues with creating and associating pool members, health monitors, and a virtual IP.

Managing pools in the CLI

The following commands are used to manage pools in the CLI:

  • lb-pool-create
  • lb-pool-delete
  • lb-pool-list
  • lb-pool-list-on-agent
  • lb-pool-show
  • lb-pool-stats
  • lb-pool-update

Creating a pool

A pool is a set of devices, such as web servers, that are grouped ...

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