

advanced modeling, 172-181

AGLKCollision.h file, 308

AGLKCollision.m file, 308

AGLKFilters.h file, 309

AGLKFilters.m file, 309

AGLKFrustum data type, 310

AGLKPointParticleEffect, 200-206

AGLKRayDoesIntersectTriangle( ), 308-309

AGLKSkyboxEffect, 186-188

AGLKView class, 42-50

ambient light, 88-89

Analytical Engine, 277

angle between vectors, 298


colors, 148-152

lights, 148-152

low pass filters, 137-138

mesh, 140-147

motion within a scene, 134-139

overview, 133-134

point of view, 134-135, 137-139

skeletal animation, 172-177

specific 3D position, looking at a, 135-137

textures, 153-157

of vertex data, 140-147

ANSI C programming language, 1

application architecture. See Cocoa Touch; Model-View-Controller (MVC)

application delegate, ...

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