
Symbols & Numerics

& operator, 43

... (ellipsis), 16

+ operator

adding strings together, 30

<form> elements, receiving POST data, 87-88

== (equality) operator, 38

=== (precise equality) operator, 38

10gen, 162

200 OK (HTTP response code), 79

301 Moved Permanently (HTTP response code), 79

400 Bad Request (HTTP response code), 79

401 Unauthorized (HTTP response code), 79

403 Forbidden (HTTP response code), 79

404 Not Found (HTTP response code), 79

500 Internal Server Error (HTTP response code), 79

503 Service Unavailable (HTTP response code), 79

64-bit integer value operations, performing with MongoDB, 164


accounts, managing with user handlers, 198-201

logging in users, 199-200

new users, creating, 198-199

testing for logged-in status, ...

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