Questions and answers

Q1. Neo4j comes with a single, universal data import toolset that will allow you to import any of your datasets, small or large.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: False. Importing data into a graph database will require you to think about your import use case and then choose the right tool for the job. Luckily, Neo4j comes with a number of different options that you can choose from.

Q2. Which data formats can you import into Neo4j?

  1. Spreadsheets
  2. CSV or TSV files
  3. GEOFF or GraphML files
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above. Different tools will allow you to import different formats more or less easily, but all are possible without a doubt.

Q3. The Neo4j batch importer is much faster than any of the other import technologies presented because:

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