2.3.2 Commenting in IDA

Comments are useful to remind you of something important in the program. To add a regular comment, place the cursor on any line in the disassembly listing, and press the hotkey colon (:), this will bring up the comment entry dialog where you can enter the comments. The following listing shows the comments (starting with ;) describing individual instructions:

.text:00401006    mov [ebp+x], 1     ; x = 1.text:0040100D    mov eax, [ebp+x]   ; eax = x.text:00401010    mov [ebp+y], eax   ; y = eax.text:00401013    xor eax, eax       ; return 0.text:00401018    retn

The regular comments are particularly useful for describing a single line (even though you can enter multiple lines), but it would be great if we could group the preceding comments together ...

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