10. Structures

A structure groups different types of data together; each element of the structure is called a member. The structure members are accessed using constant offsets. To understand the concept, take a look at the following C program. The simpleStruct definition contains three member variables (ab, and c) of different data types. The main function defines the structure variable (test_stru) at ➊, and the address of the structure variable (&test_stru) is passed as the first argument at ➋ to the update function. Inside of the update function, the member variables are assigned values:

struct simpleStruct{  int a;  short int b;  char c;};void update(struct simpleStruct *test_stru_ptr) { test_stru_ptr->a = 6; test_stru_ptr->b = 7; test_stru_ptr->c ...

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