4.2 Disassembly Solution

You can read the code line by line and try to determine the program's logic, but it would be easier if you translate it back to some high-level language. To understand the preceding program, let's use the same logic that was covered previously. The preceding code contains four memory references. First, let's label these addresses - ebp-4=a, ebp-8=b , ebp-0Ch=c, and ebp-10H=d. After labeling the addresses, it translates to the following:

mov dword ptr [a], 16hmov dword ptr [b], 5mov eax, [a]add eax, [b]mov [c], eaxmov ecx, [a]sub ecx, [b]mov [d], ecx

Now, let's translate the preceding code into a pseudocode (high-level language equivalent). The code will as follows:

a = 16h    ; h represents hexadecmial, so 16h (0x16) ...

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