Understanding getopts

Command line parameters passed along with commands are also called as positional parameters. Many times, we need to pass options such as –f and -v along with positional parameter.

Let's learn the example for passing the –x or –y options along with commands. Write the Shell script getopt.sh as follows:


USAGE="usage: $0 -x -y"

while getopts :xy: opt_char
  case $opt_char in
    echo "Option x was called."
    echo "Option y was called. Argument called is $OPTARG"
    echo "$OPTARG is not a valid option."
    echo "$USAGE"

Execute this program:

$ ./getopt.sh

You will be learning switch and case statements in the next chapters. In this script, if option –x is passed, a case statement for x will be executed. ...

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