Using variables to calculate sizes

Now that we have chosen the fonts we want to use, we need to ensure that we can set the right size for the occasion; thankfully, Less has a number of techniques that we can use to create our CSS styles.

The simplest technique is to assign a font size to a set variable and then reference this variable throughout your code:

@font-size-base: 14px;

Once the initial variable is set, we can then create a range of font sizes automatically, by multiplying the base value with a graduated set of numbers:

@font-size-large: @font-size-base * 1.25;
@font-size-small: @font-size-base * 0.85;
@font-size-mini: @font-size-base * 0.75;

When compiled using a precompiler, Less will convert these into valid CSS font sizes as shown in this ...

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