Scala case classes

A case class is a simplified type that can be used without calling out new Classname(..). For example, we could have this script, which defines a case class and uses it:

case class Car(brand: String, model: String)
val buickLeSabre = Car("Buick", "LeSabre")

So, we have a case class called Car. We make an instance of that class called buickLeSabre.

Case classes are most useful for pattern matching since we can easily construct complex objects and examine their contents. Here's an example:

def carType(car: Car) = car match {
  case Car("Honda", "Accord") => "sedan"
  case Car("GM", "Denali") => "suv"
  case Car("Mercedes", "300") => "luxury"
  case Car("Buick", "LeSabre") => "sedan"
  case _ => "Car: is of unknown type"
val typeOfBuick ...

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