Scala random numbers in Jupyter

In this example, we simulate a rolling dice and count how many times each combination appears. We then present a simple histogram for illustrative purposes.

The script is as follows:

val r = new scala.util.Random
val samples = 1000
var dice = new Array[Int](12)
for( i <- 1 to samples){
    var total = r.nextInt(6) + r.nextInt(6)
    dice(total) = dice(total) + 1
val max = dice.reduceLeft(_ max _)
for( i <- 0 to 11) {
    var str = ""
    for( j <- 1 to dice(i)/3) {
        str = str + "X"
    print(i+1, str, "\n")

We first pull in the Scala random library. We set the seed (in order to have repeatable results). We are drawing 1,000 rolls. For each roll, we increment a counter of how many times the total of pips on ...

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