Translating your component

As we saw when building our module, translating your component to another language is quite easy to do, as all of the text is displayed using JText. Assuming you wanted to translate your component to Dutch, you would just need to create the following files:

  • /administrator/components/com_folio/language/nl-NL/nl-NL.com_folio.ini
  • /administrator/components/com_folio/language/nl-NL/nl-NL.com_folio.sys.ini
  • /components/com_folio/language/nl-NL/nl-NL.com_folio.ini

You could just copy the en-GB files, and then translate the right-hand side of each language string. You'd then just need to adjust your installation XML file at /administrator/components/com_folio/folio.xml to add the new language:

<languages folder="admin"> <language ...

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