Legacy MVC versus new MVC

Joomla! uses a Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern that separates the data from the presentation. The view displays all the data, but doesn't care how the data is stored; that's the job of the model. The controller tells the model and the views what to do.

New MVC classes were introduced in Joomla! Platform 12.1 which were added to the Joomla! CMS for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 2.5.5, but these new classes still need a bit of work before they will become widely adopted. Most people are still using the older MVC classes which have been renamed with the Legacy suffix. The core extensions in Joomla! 3 all use JControllerLegacy and JViewLegacy, and we will be focusing on the Legacy classes in this book.

So what is the point ...

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