Globally and Per-Call Overridable Options (Best Options Pattern)

For our next pattern, we’ll look at an optimal approach to configuring options and defaults for a plug-in. The way most of us are probably familiar with defining plug-in options is to pass through an object literal of defaults to $.extend(), as demonstrated in our basic plug-in boilerplate.

If, however, we’re working with a plug-in with many customizable options that we would like users to be able to override either globally or on a per-call level, then we can structure things a little more optimally.

Instead, by referring to an options object defined within the plug-in namespace explicitly (for example, $fn.pluginName.options) and merging this with any options passed through to the plug-in when it is initially invoked, users have the option of either passing options through during plug-in initialization or overriding options outside of the plug-in (as demonstrated here).

 * jQuery "best options" plugin boilerplate
 * Author: @cowboy
 * Further changes: @addyosmani
 * Licensed under the MIT license

;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {

    $.fn.pluginName = function ( options ) {

        // Here's a best practice for overriding "defaults"
        // with specified options. Note how, rather than a 
        // regular defaults object being passed as the second
        // parameter, we instead refer to $.fn.pluginName.options 
        // explicitly, merging it with the options passed directly 
        // to the plug-in. This allows us to override options both 
        // globally and on a per-call level. 

        options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.pluginName.options, options );

        return this.each(function () {

            var elem = $(this);


    // Globally overriding options
    // Here are our publicly accessible default plug-in options 
    // that are available in case the user doesn't pass in all 
    // of the values expected. The user is given a default
    // experience but can also override the values as necessary.
    // e.g. $fn.pluginName.key ="otherval";

    $.fn.pluginName.options = {

        key: "value",
        myMethod: function ( elem, param ) {
})( jQuery, window, document );


  key: "foobar"

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