The JScrollPane Class

We used JScrollPane earlier in this chapter without explaining much about it. In this section, we’ll remedy the situation.

A JScrollPane is a container that can hold one component. Said another way, a JScrollPanewraps another component. By default, if the wrapped component is larger than the JScrollPane itself, the JScrollPane supplies scrollbars. JScrollPane handles the events from the scrollbars and displays the appropriate portion of the contained component.

Technically, JScrollPane is a Container, but it’s a funny one. It has its own layout manager, which can’t be changed, and it accommodates only one component at a time. This isn’t really a limitation. If you want to put a lot of stuff in a JScrollPane, just collect your components in a JPanel, with whatever layout manager you like, and put that panel into the JScrollPane.

When you create a JScrollPane, you specify the conditions under which its scrollbars are displayed. This is called the scrollbar display policy; a separate policy is used for the horizontal and vertical scrollbars. The following constants can be used to specify the policy for each of the scrollbars:


Displays a scrollbar only if the wrapped component doesn’t fit.


Always shows a scrollbar, regardless of the contained component’s size.


Never shows a scrollbar, even if the contained component won’t fit. If you use this policy, you should provide some other way to manipulate the JScrollPane.


Support for scrolling with mouse wheels is automatic as of Java 1.4. You do not have to do anything explicit in your application to get this to work.

The following example uses a JScrollPane to display a large image (see Figure 17-9). The application itself is very simple; all we do is place the image in a JLabel, wrap a JScrollPane around it, and put the JScrollPane in a JFrame’s content pane.

The ScrollPaneFrame application

Figure 17-9. The ScrollPaneFrame application

Here’s the code:

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;

    public class ScrollPaneFrame
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        String filename = "Piazza di Spagna.jpg";
        if (args.length > 0)
          filename = args[0];

        JFrame frame = new JFrame("ScrollPaneFrame v1.0");
        JLabel image = new JLabel( new ImageIcon(filename) );
        frame.getContentPane().add( new JScrollPane(image) );

        frame.setSize(300, 300);
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

To hold the image, we have used a JLabel and ImageIcon. The ImageIcon class preloads the image using a MediaTracker and determines its dimensions. It’s also possible to have the ImageIcon show the image as it loads or to ask it for information on the status of loading the image. We’ll discuss image management in Chapter 21.

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