
About the AuthorsPatrick Niemeyer () became involved with Oak (Java’s predecessor) while working at Southwestern Bell Technology Resources. He is currently an independent consultant, author, and active member of the Java community process, which helps define new APIs for the Java platform. Pat is the creator of BeanShell, a popular Java scripting language, and various other free goodies on the Net. In recent years, Pat has been developing enterprise architecture and applications for the financial industry. He currently lives in the Central West End area of St. Louis with his wife Ellen and various creatures.

Jonathan Knudsen is the author of several books, including Wireless Java: Developing with J2ME, Second Edition (APress); The Unofficial Guide to LEGO MINDSTORMS Robots (O’Reilly); and Java 2D Graphics (O’Reilly). Jonathan has written extensively about Java and Lego robots for JavaWorld, EXE, NZZ Folio, and the O’Reilly Network. Jonathan holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Princeton University.

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The animals on the cover of Learning Java, Third Edition are a Bengal tigress and her cubs. The Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) lives in Southern Asia. It has been hunted practically to extinction, principally for its ...

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