Time for action – hitting the bird animation

Currently, when the hunter hits the bird, it just disappears from the screen. This does not look very realistic. I mean the hunter does not have some kind of disintegrator blaster or something like that, and the last time I checked the arrow does not work this way.

Let's fix this by adding falling and rotation animation:

  1. Open the Bird.m file and add the following method right below the animateFly method:
    -(void)animateFall { CGPoint fallDownOffScreenPoint = ccp(self.position.x, -self.boundingBox.size.height); CCActionMoveTo *fallOffScreen = [CCActionMoveTo actionWithDuration:2.0f position:fallDownOffScreenPoint]; CCActionRemove *removeWhenDone = [CCActionRemove action]; CCActionSequence *fallSequence = ...

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