Time for action – shooting the arrow

Here is the fun part. We're going to shoot the arrow:

  1. Open the Hunter.h header file and add the following method declaration after the aimAtPoint: method declaration:
  2. Then, open the Hunter.m file and add the following implementation part of this method:
    -(CCSprite*)shootAtPoint:(CGPoint)point { //1 [self aimAtPoint:point]; //2 CCSprite *arrow = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:@"arrow.png"]; //3 arrow.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0.5f); //4 CGPoint torsoCenterGlobal = [self torsoCenterInWorldCoordinates]; arrow.position = torsoCenterGlobal; arrow.rotation = _torso.rotation; //5 [self.parent addChild:arrow]; //6 CGSize viewSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].viewSize; CGPoint forwardVector ...

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