Time for action – making the bird move

It is nice to have a cute bird on the screen, but our hunter can't shoot an unmoving bird, as this is simply not sportsman-like. So, before we give our hunter the ability to shoot, we're going to make the bird fly.

  1. Open the GameScene.m file and add the following update: method below all other methods:
    -(void)update:(CCTime)dt { //1 CGSize viewSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].viewSize; //2 if (_bird.position.x < 0) _bird.flipX = YES; //3 if (_bird.position.x > viewSize.width) _bird.flipX = NO; //4 float birdSpeed = 50; float distanceToMove = birdSpeed * dt; //5 float direction = _bird.flipX ? 1 : -1; //6 float newX = _bird.position.x + direction * distanceToMove; float newY = _bird.position.y; //7 _bird.position ...

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