Time for action – adding the background sprite

We will start by adding a good-looking background image instead of a boring black screen by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the Cocohunt project in Xcode if you've closed it.
  2. Before we can add background sprite to our game scene, we need to add an image file with the background to our project.
  3. Right-click on the Resources group in the Xcode Project Navigator on the left of the screen and choose the New Group option in the menu to create a subgroup. Call this group Backgrounds.
  4. Open the Chapter_04/Assets/Backgrounds folder and drag the following files (all files in the folder) over to the Backgrounds group that you just created:
    • game_scene_bg.png
    • game_scene_bg-hd.png
    • game_scene_bg-iphone5hd.png

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