

2.5D, 84

2D, billboarding, 140


Blender, 29, 129

Camera object (Three.js), 128-129

lighting, 120

materials, 120


loading with Three.js, 129-131

sourcing, 143

normal, 121

picking, 142


flat shading, 121

Gouraud shading, 121

Lambertian shading, 121

Phong shading, 122

simulating in 2D space, 84

parallaxing, 85-87

perspective projection, 84

snowman scene

setting up in Three.js, 123-127

viewing in Three.js, 128-129

textures, 134-135

vertex, 118-119

3D Studio MAX, 129

37signals, 153


accessing drawing APIs with GWT, 151-152

actions performed in game loop, 53

adding functions to Raphael, 113

AI (artificial intelligence)

Pong, 68

Minimax algorithm, 69-70

tic-tac-toe, 68

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 2, 43

aliases, ...

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