Plotting multiple pies in a chart – multiple series

With pie charts, we can do something more informative by displaying another pie chart side by side to compare data. This can be done by simply specifying two series configurations in the series array.

We can continue to use the previous example for the chart on the left-hand side and we create a new category series from the same dataset, but this time grouped by platforms. The following is the series configuration for doing so:

 plotOptions:{ pie: { ...., size: '75%' } }, series: [{ center: [ '25%', '50%' ], data: [ [ 'Nintendo', 54030288 ], [ 'Electronic Arts', 31367739 ], .... ] }, { center: [ '75%', '50%' ], dataLabels: { formatter: function() { var str = + ': ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.percentage, ...

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