Enabling the user to acknowledge the article delivery

If the user receives the items, then he/she clicks on the link to acknowledge. The same published URL is used this time too with an additional delivered query string.

For example:

https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwaqlj_kBAn9LLav0qv6GmXlWk-hwIosHA- 1_1YoMutiiuGy84/exec?order_number=1451875765851&delivered=true

To handle this query, the doGet function should be updated again as follows:

function doGet(e){ var delivered = e.parameter.delivered; if(delivered){ // If order delivered then just update delivery date. updateDelivery(e); // Returning text content is enough, HtmlService not needed. return ContentService.createTextOutput("Thank you!"); } var orderNumber = e.parameter.order_number; ...

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