Using the ES query API

Let's understand some queries used for searching documents in ES. Here is a sample document from the LearningCouchbase bucket:

  "name": "Henry P",
  "book": "Learning Couchbase",
  "skills": [

We want to find document IDs for which the user document has the Couchbase skillset.

For this, you can query ElasticSearch using the following URL: http://localhost:9200/learningcouchbase/_search?pretty=true&q=skills:Couchbase.

If you want to find user documents with the Couchbase skillset and name it Henry, use http://localhost:9200/learningcouchbase/_search?pretty=true&q=skills:Couchbase+name:Henry&default_operator=AND.

An ES output

Here, the search criterion is provided using a simple query string ...

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