Cocos2d-x's inbuilt particle system

Cocos2d-x is included with some popular inbuilt particle systems that can be used right away without the need to design your own particle system; these include Fire, Fireworks, Sun, Galaxy, Flower, Meteor, Spiral, Explosion, Smoke, Snow, and Rain.

The way to create any of these particle systems is shown as follows:

CCParticleSystemQuad* m_emitter = new CCParticleSystemQuad();
m_emitter = CCParticleExplosion::create();

You first create an emitter; here, we call it m_emitter of type CCParticleSystemQuad. Then, we assign the type of particle system that we would like to create. Here, we use CCParticleExplosion to create an explosion effect, and finally, we add it to the display list.

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