
Symbols and Numbers

? (Ternary operator), 134–135


2D vs., xxv

extensions to Cocos2D, 567

z values in, 33


AABB (axis-aligned bounding boxes)

avoiding object overlap, 77

searching for objects in Box2D world, 305–307


cart movement example, 355–358

commenting out, 319

enabling support for, 302–303

implementing movement in Box2D, 281

implementing movement in Chipmunk, 451, 454–455


iOS Developer Program account, 497–498

iPhone Developer account, 20

Sandbox accounts, 514


adding to iTunes Connect, 515–517

displaying within apps, 534–536

GameState class and, 519–521

helper function for sending achievement data, 524–530

helper functions for loading/saving achievement data, 522–524

how they work, 517–518

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