
  • Throwing (or raising) an exception halts execution of your program at that point, and execution proceeds in the most immediately available catch block (exception handler).

  • A bug is a programming mistake that should be fixed before the program is released. An exception, however, is the result of a predictable but unpreventable problem that arises during runtime (for example, running out of disk space).

  • When a program encounters a problem that it cannot solve or work around, it may throw an exception to halt execution and allow the exception handler to fix or work around the problem.

  • All exceptions used in C# derive from System.Exception, and all exceptions in your program should derive from System.Exception.

  • You can throw an exception yourself using the throw keyword.

  • It is good programming practice to enclose code that has a high risk of throwing an exception within a try block and to provide an exception handler (a catch block) and perhaps a finally block.

  • The catch block follows the try block and contains the code used to handle the exception.

  • If an exception was not raised within a try block, or there is no catch block, the stack is unwound until a catch block is found. If no catch block is ever found, the built-in exception handler is invoked, which terminates your program with an error message.

  • You can create dedicated catch statements to catch specific types of exceptions taking advantage of the inheritance hierarchy of exceptions.

  • Any action that must be taken whether or not ...

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