Test Your Knowledge: Quiz

Question 9-1. What is the easiest way to set a breakpoint?

Question 9-2. What does the breakpoint icon look like when the execution stops?

Question 9-3. How do you step over or into a method?

Question 9-4. How can you disable breakpoints, and set conditions on breakpoints?

Question 9-5. What is the difference between the Locals window and the Autos window?

Question 9-6. How can you see the internal state of an object in the Locals window?

Question 9-7. What is the easiest way to set a watch on a variable?

Question 9-8. How do you open a QuickWatch window?

Question 9-9. What does the call stack show and why is it useful?

Question 9-10. How can you find a particular method call in your code from the Call Stack window?

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