Test Your Knowledge: Exercises

Exercise 5-1. Create a program that counts from 1 to 10 three times, using the while, do…while, and for statements, and outputs the results to the screen.

Exercise 5-2. Create a program that prompts a user for input, accepts an integer, then evaluates whether that input is zero, odd or even, a multiple of 10, or too large (more than 100) by using multiple levels of if statements.

Exercise 5-3. Rewrite the program from Exercise 5-2 to do the same work with a switch statement.

Exercise 5-4. Create a program that initializes a variable i at 0 and counts up, and initializes a second variable j at 25 and counts down. Use a single for loop to increment i and decrement j simultaneously, and output the values of i and j at each iteration of the loop. When i is greater than j, end the loop and print out the message “Crossed over!”

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