Chapter 4: Operators

Quiz Solutions

Solution to Question 4-1. The = operator is the assignment operator, used to assign a value to a variable. The == operator is the equality operator, which tests the equality of two values and returns a Boolean. Confusing the two is a very common mistake, and a common source of errors.

Solution to Question 4-2. To assign the same value to multiple variables, simply chain the assignments, like this:

int a = b = c = d = 36;

Solution to Question 4-3. When you divide two doubles, the solution has a fractional portion, expressed as a decimal, as you would expect. When you divide two ints, the compiler discards any fractional remainder.

Solution to Question 4-4. The purpose of the % operator is to return the remainder from an integer division. It’s very useful in controlling loops, as you’ll see later.

Solution to Question 4-5. The output of the operations is:

  • 32

  • 6

  • 4 (Be careful of the order of operations here; the division (8 / 4) takes place before the addition and the subtraction)

Be sure to take note of the parentheses and the order of operator precedence, as discussed in Operator Precedence.

Solution to Question 4-6. Because the self-assignment operators are used here, the value of myInt changes with each step, forming a new input for the next step.

myInt += 5;
myInt = 30
myInt -= 15;
myInt = 15
myInt *= 4;
myInt = 60
myInt /= 3;
myInt = 20

Solution to Question 4-7. The prefix operator increments (or decrements) the original value, and then assigns the new value ...

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